My name is Rebecca, we live in the beautiful Midwest and that is my wonderful family pictured above: my husband Andy, with our 2 year old son Grant on his back, and our 3 daughters: Loren, 10; Emily, 8; and Claire, 5. We also have a 2 year old son, 5 months older than Grant, waiting for us in China. We have named him Owen and he will hopefully be home late fall.
This is our first year homeschooling. But, let me back up... I was homeschooled myself all the way through high school. When I was growing up, it was almost unheard of to educate your children at home. In that way, I guess my parents had a bit of rebel in them (must be where I got it!!) :)
We started our school year Sept. 2. Loren is in 5th grade, Emily in 3rd and Claire in K. So far, it has been wonderful, although we are only a few days in! I love having the kids with me. I am very blessed to have wonderful children who I really enjoy being around. That is not to pat myself on the back, but to give God thanks because He really blessed us with good kids.
For curriculum... we are eclectic this year. I am using a variety and I won't bore you with listing it all out, at least not here. I borrowed all but 1 of our books from a homeschool lending library that we have here locally. We have some Alpha/Omega, some A Beka, some Saxon, some Charlotte Mason... overall I'm shooting for a classical approach but honestly I am not following any one method, book, curriculum, etc. Just trying to make sure my kids are well-rounded. Here is a post on my personal blog about our first day of school, if you want to get an idea of what we are studying.
Besides homeschooling, I juggle a home business, our adoption, and keeping up with our busy toddler... soon to be toddler(S)... and laundry, which never seems to end! Hoping to cross paths with other moms who can encourage me to keep at it!! I'm glad to have Tisra posting, as she is a constant inspiration to me and a good friend.
Wow, Rebecca...our kids are very close in age. 11, 7, 5, 2 & 2 (our 2yr. old girls are 3.5months apart :) They are like twins in EVERY's so awesome!!! We've been home a little over a year with our daughter born in China (she was also sn's like Owen..she had VSD).
Hope your little man is home soon!!
LOL..that's true...our pics. are the same...HILARIOUS!! Already bookmarked you :)
Hi Rebecca...
What a beautiful family you have! I'm excited about learning from you. I'm also excited about following you on your journey to your little "butterfly boy"!
I am a homeschooling mama of six. The baby is 5mo and I also have a two year old. This year already has its challenges and we've only been going 4 days! And tips or trick you could share about schooling with toddlers would be great! Play-doh only lasts so long! Thanks.
I have been following your journey long enough that your family photo just looks a bit empty. Where is Owen?!
It's like with us, our kids sometimes set the table for 6 and not really as a mistake- it's just that we talk so often about how we'll be a family of six and there will be 4 kids that I think we operate off that occasionally.
Anyway, I pray your family picture changes soon! Boy, he's going to look so cute in there linking hands with the rest of you all!
Rebecca--your family is adorable! It's cool to read that you were homeschooled alol the way through and you obviously turned out pretty cool! ;) Whew! What a great blog...I look forward to reading more.
Look at all those BEAUTIFUL people!
I am lovin' Grant peeking over Andy's shoulder. It took me a second to find him.
This blog is a WONDERFUL idea!
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